Fallout 4 using conduit
Fallout 4 using conduit

fallout 4 using conduit

This is contrary to how you might expect power to behave as flowing or propagating from one connection to the next. Logic gates work by checking the last device's output. A NOR Gate (Not Or) for example, will work when the inputs are or or but not as it would be unpowered. You can tell if a logic gate has power by the small orange light on the top left of the device. Since all logic gates require power, AT LEAST ONE input is REQUIRED to always be either (1) or (2). For this reason, logic gates need to be directly connected to what is producing your 'Powered but Disabled' output. The Gotcha: (2) states only travel one connection and only certain devices can output a (2) state. (2) ~> Connected to Power, Disabled (False) (1) => Connected to Power, Enabled (True) My question is, how do I get these N- gates to function? What is the logic behind when they transmit power? Perhaps I'm making an obvious mistake here like wiring them wrong, or have a misunderstanding of how these gates are intended to work.Īll logic gates require power, and their inputs and outputs can actually be in one of three possible states, demonstrated in the following table. The AND gate is not transmitting power, so the NAND gate should have its conditions met.The NAND gate should be receiving power from the generator, in order for it to be able to turn on if its conditions are met.

fallout 4 using conduit

if the previous gate's conditions were not met, no power would pass onto the NOT gate for it to be able to turn on the light.Īs a final attempt, I ran the AND's output into a NAND gate instead, which I can have one input powered whilst still having it (hopefully) turn on:.if the previous gate transferred power as its conditions were met, the NOT gate would invert the power and stay off.My next attempt, which I expected to work based on the information above, was to have an AND gate feeding into the NOT gate as such:īut, despite the NOT gate's input coming directly from the AND gate, the NOT gate did not turn on. Reading up, I discovered that the N- gates "only transmit power if their inputs are connected directly to the output of other logic gates." This was my first attempt at using a NAND gate (which should be transmitting power unless both inputs are turned on): Here's a fairly long explanation of what I've tried to get them to work: Playing around with these, I found the AND, OR, and XOR gates to work exactly as expected, but not the NOT, NAND, NOR and XNOR gates. The Contraptions Workshop DLC introduced a range of "Advanced switches".

Fallout 4 using conduit